Monday, July 8, 2013

The Valid-Dictorians

    I'd hate to sound like I'm gloating, but yet again I bring you good music from a friend of mine.
 Tyrek Greene along with Cliff Notez, two poets/Emcees, are The Valid-Dictorians. Creating music from the heart all apart their own movement "Hip-Story". Which is also the title of their very first project. A 13 track mixtape which was released early last year. Since then, the two have performed more, released several singles as well as two EP's this year, and have even formed a band (like an actual band with real instruments) The Honor's Society.

   Now, Let's get into their first project Hip-Story seeing as it is the perfect introduction of who The Valid-Dictorians are.

  HipStory is a quality collection of truth, Bars, beats, poetry, samples, and overall dope-ness. The first thing you may notice is the artwork, the cover and their whole bandcamp page is adorned in photos of Jean-Michel Basquiat paintings, which indicate that you don't know what you're going to hear but chances are you'll like it.
    Hip-Hop is now an adjective because that's exactly what this is. It all flows very well from start to finish. Neither Mc outshines the other, they are both talented and both have something say, and you should listen. The first track is "Death of a Poet" and here is the video:

   Despite the old school influence as well as use of spoken word, this shows innovation. These two are somehow, beyond what they seem or, I guess, beyond expectation. Tracks that grab attention include Running '12, Midnight, Electric Relaxation '12, and Nonchalant Love. Each of these songs are remakes, remixes, or heavily use a certain sample yet all stand apart from the original recordings. Keep listening, you may learn something.

    My personal favorite is track #11 "Everbody".
"When I say Fck the world, everbody except you". Not only is this hook soooooo cuuuute but the instrumental is sick. I could not stop listening to it. I appreciate the honesty, the flows, the tempo, the use of the track in a way where these two aren't simply spitting over it and I especially favor Tyrek's verse at the end of the song. I don't think you can ever go wrong with a Hip-hop love song tbh.
  Another stand-out iss "Beanz n Bomberz" on which the two both give account on where they're from and how it made them who they are .

   You can listen to Hip-Story in its entirety here:


  Also visit their bandcamp page for more music, including their latest live EP "FYS (First Year Seminar)" with their band The Honor's Society.

  If you're in the New York City area you can see The Valid-Dictorians and The Honor Society at The Bitter End on July 19th. Click HERE for Info.

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