Wednesday, April 20, 2011

When life gives you lemons...

            We all know the rest of this saying. Make lemonade. I guess it means that when given an opportunity take full advantage of that. Which makes a lot of sense but who's gonna hand you the water and the sugar. Better yet who's gonna give you the juicer, the ice, the pitcher, and the cups?? Didn't think about that huh? How can I make lemonade with simply lemons. Now I have a reason to make lemonade. Now I have a starting point, but it's not going to be as easy as the saying is said. Which is my problem with most sayings, proverbs, etc. Everyone says them but no one mentions the hard work. I think theres some sort of secret message behind the saying. Making lemonade is much easier said than done and if you want some lemonade you're going to have to work for it. Now all the lemon talk aside you have to work hard for everything in life. Of course we have starting points and we have potential but without hard work and dedication you have nothing. We have to be thankful for our opportunities as well as be progressive in life.

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